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     Re: [snips-users] notifier problem recognising only "default"

Look at the notify script. You will find out that parsing for stdin events is (unfortunatelly) done separatelly (because the stdin format is slightly different).
And it's slightly broken too.

I'll attach my notify.pl here, but be aware that it has some other defferences with the official one
(regexp maching).

Jan Zorz wrote:
Hi list.

I have a small, but quite annoying problem. If I run notifier.pl from crontab, everything works fine and all entries in notifier-config are recognised and mails are sent to appropriate adresses, depending on failed machine.

If I run notifier.pl from snipslogd, only on default entry is sent notofication, despite the fact, that I want it to be sent on host specific addresses, written in notifier-config...

Any tips or tricks?

Best regards, /jan.zorz

-- Dmitry Sazonov x4168 UNIX sysadmin, AAMC
# $Header: /cvsroot/snips/utility/notifier.pl,v 1.1 2001/08/17 03:15:33 vikas Exp $
# 	notifier.pl  for SNIPS
# Search for SET_THIS and set the value of $pager_program.
# Run this script every 5-10 minutes from crontab. Adjust $crontime 
# accordingly.
# You can also run this script from snipslogd, so that you get notified as
# soon as a device comes up or goes down. In this mode, it reads stdin for
# eventlog format data, and the time of the event is set to -1 sec. In
# this mode, it notifies for all the events read from stdin (i.e. all
# severities). e.g.
#   display_snips_datafile ntpmon-output | grep Critical | notifier.pl -
#	- Only looks at CRITICAL events.
#	- Sends one email/page per event instead of grouping them together
#	- Does not notify when device comes back up when run from cron (but
#	  will if run from snipslogd).
#	- If too many mail or pager processes are called, this can generate
#	  a 'Too many open files"  error.
#	Adrian Close (adrian at aba net.au), 1998
#	vikas at navya com - Added reading data from stdin, cleaned up.
use strict;
use vars qw($snipsroot $bindir $etcdir $datadir 
	    $debug $email_program $pager_program $eventage
	    $updatesfile $cfile $OPSMAIL $crontime $repeat_interval
	    %hrlyrepeat %notify %update %severity

  $snipsroot =  "/home/snips"   unless $snipsroot;	# SET_THIS
  push (@INC, "$snipsroot/etc"); push (@INC, "$snipsroot/bin");
  require "snipsperl.conf" ;		# local customizations

# require 5.000;
# require "Time::Local";	# in perl v5
require "timelocal.pl";		# convert May 1998 into unix timestamp
use SNIPS;

$datadir = "$snipsroot/data" unless $datadir;
$debug = 0;

# Set locations of extra configuration files. 'updatesfile' is maintained
# by 'websnips'
# $updatesfile = "$etcdir/exceptions";
$updatesfile = "$etcdir/updates";
$cfile = "$etcdir/notifier-confg";

## Locations of helper programs SET_THIS
$pager_program = "/usr/local/bin/sendpage" unless $pager_program; # SET_THIS
$email_program =  "/usr/ucb/mail"  unless $email_program;	# SET_THIS

-x $pager_program || undef ($pager_program);
-x $email_program or die "Cannot find $email_program.\n";

## the default user who should get email if there is NO config file.
#  remember to put a backslash in front of the '@'
#$OPSMAIL = "ops\ at localhost";
$OPSMAIL =  q(snips-ops)  unless $OPSMAIL;	# SET_THIS

# The notifier should run every $crontime seconds (or less) to catch all
# events and avoid extra pages, email etc. This is the time 'window' used
# for catching new critical events (or repeats).
$crontime = 60;		# seconds	# SET_THIS

# Repeat notification interval
# (notify again for events that are a multiple of $repeat_interval secs old)
# Something like an hour is probably sane (i.e. 3600 secs)
$repeat_interval = 3600;	# seconds

#  Read configuration file
#	device:addr:variable  \t repeat \t <notify-action>
#  where 
#	notify-action = address:medium:min-age  (medium = 'mail' or 'page')
#	repeat = 0 or 1 (hourly page or not)
#  e.g.
#	nfshost:	0	adrian at abc com:mail:3600,617383939:page:0
sub readconf {
  my $lineno = 0;

  if (! open (CONFIG, "< $cfile")) {
    print STDERR "Unable to open $cfile.\n" if ($debug);

    $hrlyrepeat{'default'} = 1;	# for unlisted devices, do repeat notification
    $notify{'default'} = [ "$OPSMAIL" . ":email" . ":0" ];

  while (<CONFIG>)
    next if ( /^\s*\#/ || /^\s*$/ );	# comments & blank lines

    # device:addr[:var]  repeat  to:medium:minage
    if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+([0-1])\s+(.+)/)
      $hrlyrepeat{$1} = $2;		# 0 or 1
      $notify{$1} = [ split (/\,/, $3) ] ;	# hash of array values

    print STDERR "Unknown config line [$lineno]: $_\n";
  }	# while config
  close (CONFIG);

}	# sub readconf()

# Read updates file (earlier called exceptions) for special comments on a
# device. This file is maintained by websnips and its syntax is:
#	devicename:deviceaddr:variable \t status
# If the status begins with a (H), then the device is hidden/ignored.
sub readupdates { 		
  if (open (UPDATESFILE, $updatesfile))
    while (<UPDATESFILE>)
      next if (/^\s*\#/);	# skip comments
      next if (/^\s*$/);	# skip blank lines
      if (/^(\S+)\s+(.+)/) { $update{$1} = $2 ;	next; } # Build $update array
      print STDERR "Cannot parse updates line $_\n";
    close (UPDATESFILE);

} #&readupdates

# Process Current Events

sub processevents {

  # get all data files from SNIPS data directory
  # (extract only those files that have '-output' as prefix)

  opendir(DATADIR, "$datadir") || die "\nCannot open input directory $datadir";
  my @datafiles = sort(grep(/.+-output/i, readdir(DATADIR)));

  foreach my $datafile (@datafiles)
    my ($junk, $cmonth, $cyear, $event);
    my $datafd = open_datafile("$datadir/$datafile", "r") ||
      die "Cannot open $datadir/$datafile";
    $debug && print STDERR "Processing file: $datafile\n";

    # Get current month and year
    ($junk,$junk,$junk,$junk, $cmonth,$cyear, $junk,$junk,$junk) = 
    my $cursecs = time;		# Epoch seconds (seconds since 1/1/1970)

    while ( ($event = read_event($datafd)) )
      my %event = unpack_event($event);
      next if ($event{severity} != $E_CRITICAL);	# not critical

      # we check for device:addr:var and then for device:addr generic index
      my $id  = "$event{device_name}:$event{device_addr}"; # no variable name
      my $idv = "${id}:$event{var_name}";	# with varname
      # event is "hidden" , so ignore
      if ( (defined($update{$idv}) && $update{$idv} =~  m/^\(H\)/) ||
	   (defined($update{$id})  && $update{$id} =~ m/^\(H\)/) )
	print  STDERR "${idv}: Hidden!\n" if ($debug > 1);

      $eventage = $cursecs - $event{eventtime};	# age of event
      if ($eventage < 0) {
	$cursecs = time;	# update, event probably just happened
	$eventage = $cursecs - $event{eventtime};	# age of event
	print STDERR "Event $idv  age is negative ($eventage), check.\n" 
	  if ($eventage < 0);	# still negative, probably clock mismatch?
      print STDERR "Event $idv is $eventage secs old.\n" if ($debug > 1);
      my @tm = localtime($event{eventtime});
      my $subject = "[SNIPS] $event{device_name}";
      my $message = "$event{device_addr}  $event{var_name} $event{var_value}/$event{var_threshold} $event{var_units} critical";
      $message .= sprintf "  since %02d:%02d on %02d/%02d\n",
	          $tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[4]+1, $tm[3];

      if    ( defined($notify{$idv}) ) { &Notify($idv, $subject, $message); }
      elsif ( defined($notify{$id}) ) { &Notify($id, $subject, $message); }
      elsif ( grep {
          if($idv =~ /^$_$/) {
              print STDERR "+++ match! $idv and <$_>\n" if $debug>2;
              &Notify($_,$subject, $message);
	      } keys( %notify)) {; }
      elsif ( defined($notify{'default'}) ) { &Notify('default', $subject, $message); }
      else  { print STDERR "No action for event $idv, skipping\n" if $debug; }

    }	# while (&readevent)


  }	# foreach ($datafile)

}	# sub processevents()

# Process addresses to be notified for current event's DEVICE:ADDRESS
# combination and send via appropriate medium. Check the minimum age
# of the notifier.
# If minimum age is set to -1 in config file, it only matches the event
# when run from stdin.
sub Notify {
  my ($id, $subject, $message) = @_;

  print STDERR "Notify: Processing $id\n" if ($debug > 1);
  # Process each address
  foreach my $notify (@{ $notify{$id} })
    print STDERR "  Action = $notify\n" if ($debug > 2);
    my $donotify = 0;	# assume dont need to page or mail
    my ($address, $medium, $minage) = split /:/, $notify;
    $address =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;	# trim white space
    $medium  =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;	# trim white space

    if ($minage == -1 && $eventage == -1)	# see if we need to notify
      $donotify = 1;
      $minage = int($minage);
      $minage *= 60;	# convert to seconds
      if ($debug > 2) {
	printf STDERR ("event age = $eventage, $address wants between %d and %d\n",
	  ($minage - $crontime), ($minage + $crontime + 1));

      # Check the age of the event and if hourly repeat is set. We have
      # to consider granularity of how often this program is run to avoid
      # excessive notifications.
      # 	- If minage (+- crontime), then notify
      #		- If multiple of an hour, and hrlyrepeat, then notify

      if ($eventage > ($minage - $crontime) && 
	  $eventage <= ($minage + $crontime + 1) )
      { $donotify = 1; }
      elsif ( (($eventage - $minage) / $repeat_interval) >= 1 &&
	      (($eventage - $minage) % $repeat_interval) <= $crontime )
	# notify only if config permits repeat-notifications
	if ( ( defined($hrlyrepeat{$id}) && $hrlyrepeat{$id} == 1) ||
	     (!defined($hrlyrepeat{$id}) && $hrlyrepeat{'default'} == 1) )
	  $donotify = 1;

    next if ($donotify == 0);

    $debug && print STDERR "Notifying: $address by $medium about $subject\n";
    if ($medium =~ /sms/i || $medium =~ /page/i)  {
      &PageNotify($id, $address, $message) if (defined($pager_program));
    elsif ($medium =~ /mail/i) {	#email or mail
      &EmailNotify($id, $address, $message, $subject);
    else {
      print STDERR "Unknown notify medium- $medium\n";

  }	# foreach

# Send  page
sub PageNotify {
  my ($id, $address, $message) = @_;

  print STDERR "   Paging $address\n" if ($debug > 1);
  open(XPIPE, "|$pager_program $address") ||
    die "Could not open $pager_program\n"; 
  print XPIPE "$message";
  if (defined($update{$id}) && $update{$id} ne "") {
    print XPIPE " - $update{$id}.";

sub EmailNotify {		# Send email notification of fault
  my ($id, $address, $message, $subject) = @_;

  print STDERR "   Emailing $address\n" if ($debug > 1);

  if ($email_program =~ /ucb/) {
    open(XPIPE, "|$email_program -s \"$subject\" $address") ||
      die "Cannot open $email_program.\n";
  else {	# not ucb/mail so cannot take -s command line option
    open(XPIPE, "|$email_program $address") || die "Cannot open $email_program.\n";
  print XPIPE "$message";
  if (defined($update{$id}) && $update{$id} ne "") {
    print XPIPE "\n\t UPDATE: $update{$id}\n";

#  Read the log line from the stdin.  Extract the device, variable and 
#  decide who to send this to based on the config file. This is
#  used when notifier.pl is run by snipslogd
sub process_stdin {
  my $eventstr;
  while (<>)
    $eventstr = $_;
    if (/\[(\S+)\]:\s+(?:SITE|DEVICE)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+.*\s*VAR\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+LEVEL\s+(\S+).*STATE (\S+)/)
    my ($sender, $devicename, $deviceaddr, $varname, $varval, $tresh, $units, $level, $state) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
      my ($time) = $1 if /^(.*)\[/;
      # we check for device:addr:var and then for device:addr generic index
      my $id  = "${devicename}:${deviceaddr}"; # no variable name
      my $idv = "${id}:${varname}";	# with varname
      # event is "hidden" , so ignore
      if ( (defined($update{$idv}) && $update{$idv} =~  m/^\(H\)/) ||
	   (defined($update{$id}) &&  $update{$id} =~ m/^\(H\)/) )
	print  STDERR "${idv}: Hidden!\n" if ($debug > 1);

      # set eventage to special value to indicate stdin data so that we
      # always notify and dont work off of the age.
      $eventage = -1;
      print STDERR "Event $idv is $eventage secs old.\n" if ($debug > 1);

      my $subject = "[SNIPS] $devicename";
      #my $subject = "[SNIPS] $devicename $deviceaddr ($sender)";
      my $message = "$deviceaddr $varname $state $varval/$tresh $units $level since $time";
      if    ( defined($notify{$idv}) ) { &Notify($idv, $subject, $message); }
      elsif ( defined($notify{$id}) ) { &Notify($id, $subject, $message); }
      elsif ( grep {
          if($idv =~ /^$_$/) {
              print STDERR "+++ match! $idv and <$_>\n" if $debug>2;
              &Notify($_,$subject, $message);
	      } keys( %notify)) {; }
      elsif ( defined($notify{'default'}) ) { &Notify('default', $subject, $message); }
      else  { print STDERR "No action for event $idv, skipping\n" if $debug; }
    print STDERR "UNKNOWN format of input line:\n  $_\n";
  }	# while <>
}  # process_stdin

## Main program
if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq '-') {
  $debug && print STDERR "Processing stdin\n";
  exit 0;
&processevents;		# process all data files in data directory

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software