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     [snips-users] snipsweb.cgi small fix

I've fixed snipsweb.cgi to populate the Updates textbox in the case of
subdevices (ie. plussed variables).  I still need to t/s genweb.cgi and
fix it as well (unless someone else has already done it).

-- begin
*** snipsweb.cgi.old       Sat Mar  2 17:56:32 2002
--- snipsweb.cgi        Mon Oct 20 05:06:53 2003
*** 537,543 ****
        next if (/^\s*\#/);   # skip comments
        next if (/^\s*$/);   # skip blank lines
        ($junk, $explain) = split /\t/;
!       last if ($junk =~ /^$devicename\:$deviceaddr\:$variable/);
        $explain = "";  # reset/clear if not matched
      close (INPUT);
--- 537,543 ----
        next if (/^\s*\#/);   # skip comments
        next if (/^\s*$/);   # skip blank lines
        ($junk, $explain) = split /\t/;
!       last if ($junk =~ /^($subdevice\+)?$devicename\:$deviceaddr\:$variable/);
        $explain = "";  # reset/clear if not matched
      close (INPUT);
-- end

Russell M. Van Tassell
russell at loosenut com

  Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
 (Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software