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     Re: [snips-users] DFspace_avail=0 for some filesystems

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 04:20:17PM -0400, Daniel MacKay wrote:
> As I mentioned earlier today, for some reason as a result of some 
> other snips maintenance, I am getting alarms on all my machines, 
> reporting that /dev/fd and /etc/mnttab DFspace_avail=0.
> Now, I could:
>  - modify all of the hostmons to not look at these "filesystems"
>  - modify hostmon-collector to ignore those lines
>  - edit hostmon-confg to not alarm on zeroes.
> Obviously the third is the easiest.  But I put in a couple lines like this:
> DFspace_avail   *       -1 -2 -3        ^/etc/mnttab$
> DFspace_avail   *       -1 -2 -3        ^/dev/fd$
> DFspace_avail   *       15 10 5
> but it is still alarming on these at "Warning" level.  If anyone has 
> any suggestions, I'd be very glad to hear them.

I think there's a "documented" fix to this, in that you just want "-1"
at the levels it should never exceed (ie. like "warning" levels) for
disk space avail and set percent utilitization to something like 101 for
any file system that's "ok to fill."  

Of course, my floppies already come through as:

DFspace_avail 0 MB /dev/fd
DFspace_%used 0 %full /dev/fd

(and are you really mounting a file system on /etc/mnttab?)

...of course, for one of my test systems, I just have:

% grep DF /path/to/nocol/etc/hostmon-confg
DFspace_avail   hosta|hostb     10 7 5  ^/$
DFspace_avail   *       5 4 3           ^/$
DFspace_%used   *       80 90  100      ^/usr$
DFspace_%used   *       80 90  97       ^/usr/local$
DFspace_%used   *       80 90  97       ^/home$
DFspace_%used   *       80 90  97       ^/var/spool$
DFspace_%used   *       90 95  101
DFinodes_%used  *       70 80  90       
DFinodes_avail  *       7000 5000 1000

...so /dev/fd shouldn't even be monitored -- though I'm half (?) asleep
at the moment.


Russell M. Van Tassell
russell at loosenut com

Credit travels up, blame travels down -- The Boss 

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software