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     [snips-users] Dozens of DataAge problems


	We just brought our system up, and are seeing alot of :

 Warning - Tue Jan 15 12:40:10 2002 [hostmon]: DEVICE l.ttsg.com
l.ttsg.com VAR DataAge 366 900 Secs LEVEL Warning LOGLEVEL Warning STATE
 Warning - Tue Jan 15 12:40:10 2002 [hostmon]: DEVICE l2.ttsg.com
l2.ttsg.com VAR DataAge 395 900 Secs LEVEL Warning LOGLEVEL Warning STATE
 Warning - Tue Jan 15 12:40:10 2002 [hostmon]: DEVICE m.ttsg.com
m.ttsg.com VAR DataAge 395 900 Secs LEVEL Warning LOGLEVEL Warning STATE
 Warning - Tue Jan 15 12:40:10 2002 [hostmon]: DEVICE t.ttsg.com
t.ttsg.com VAR DataAge 405 900 Secs LEVEL Warning LOGLEVEL Warning STATE
 Warning - Tue Jan 15 12:40:10 2002 [hostmon]: DEVICE d.ttsg.com
d.ttsg.com VAR DataAge 407 900 Secs LEVEL Warning LOGLEVEL Warning STATE

	I saw something in the archives about it, but no resolution. What
is this trying to tell me, and how do I stop it? Its happening QUITE 

		Thanks, Tuc/TTSG Internet Services, Inc.

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software