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     [snips-users] Re: logstats unable to parse error log in beta

Funny, but I discovered the same problem reported by Russel Van
Tassel just this past weekend after he reported the problem on 
Friday.  The logstats.pl script is quite broken.  

First, the main regular expression used to parse command lines never 
matches anything.  Once this is fixed (along with changing the 
corresponding line used to grab the parsed values from the regex), 
the formatting for the log report is all wonky (that's a technical 

I took a quick stab at correcting the problem.  Below is a 
corrected version of the script, but I'm not confident I've gotten it
all right.  If some others could try it out against their log files, 
that will be greatly appreciated.  Vikas, can you also take a quick 
looksee at this and see if it is OK?


Bill Dorfmann

-----------------   cut here (revised logstats.pl script) ------------
## $Header: /home/vikas/src/snips/utility/RCS/logstats.pl,v 1.0 2001/07/09 04:12:47 vikas 
Exp $
# SNIPS log file reporter
# Typical usage:
#   logstats.pl  -error  -ignore=10 -file ../logs/warning -v Thruput my-gw
# Command line args:
#	-warn	or -crit or -err, only consider events worse than this level
#	-ignore=10	ignore downtimes of less than 10 seconds
#	-f <logfile>	input logfile (else stdin)
#	-v <variable>	only for variable regex listed
#	-r		run report for past 1 week time period only
#	<device> <device> <device>  devicenames to extract report for.
# Copyright Netplex Technologies Inc. 1997  info at netplex-tech com
use strict;
use vars qw ( $debug $mindowntime $maxlevel $logfile $var_regex
	      $runtime $stime $etime $info $warn $err $crit
	      $linenum $oklines $badlines $maxlevel $imaxlevel
	      $ncount $device_regex $tot_delta $ndevices $netdown
	      @intlevel %intlevel %month_offset @devices
$debug = 0;

while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
    last if /^--$/;
    /^-ignore\s*=\s*(\d+)/i && do { $mindowntime = $1 ; next; };
    /^-([cewi])/i && do { $maxlevel = $1; next; };
    /^-f/ && do {$logfile = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; };
    /^-v/ && do {$var_regex = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; };
    /^-d/ && do {++$debug ; next; };
    /^-r/ && do {$runtime = time;		# past one week report
		 $etime = localtime($runtime);
		 $stime = localtime($runtime - 604800); };
    /^-/ && do {print STDERR "ERROR unknown option $ARGV[0]\n",
		  " $0 [-info|error|warn|critical] [-ignore=10] \\ \n\t",
		  " [-file=/path/to/file] [-var <variable-regex>] [-r]",
		  " [device device ...]\n\n";
		print STDERR " WHERE\n",
		  "  -ignore\t to skip events shorter than N secs\n",
		  "  -r  \t to run the report for the past one week\n",
		  "      \t (will read logfile from stdin if no -f flag\n",
		exit 1; };
# we are given a list of devices that user is interested in
if ($#ARGV > -1) {
    @devices = @ARGV;
    $device_regex = $ARGV[0]; shift;
    while ($ARGV[0]) {$device_regex .= "|$ARGV[0]"; shift; }
    ($debug > 0) && (print STDERR "+debug DEVICES are @devices, ($device_regex)\n") ;
## Init variables
# To convert the string severities into numbers...Match only 4 chars
$info = 4; $warn = 3; $err = 2; $crit = 1;
%intlevel = ('I', $info, 'W', $warn, 'E', $err, 'C', $crit);
@intlevel = ("", "Critical", "Error", "Warning", "Info" );
# offset in days of months in the year.
%month_offset = (
    'Jan', 0,    'Feb', 31,   'Mar', 59,  'Apr', 90,
    'May', 120,  'Jun', 151,  'Jul', 181, 'Aug', 212,
    'Sep', 243,  'Oct', 273,  'Nov', 304, 'Dec', 334
$linenum = 0; $badlines =0;
##  END initializing all statics

$maxlevel =~ tr /a-z/A-Z/d;			# all to uppercase
$maxlevel = "CRITICAL" unless $maxlevel;	#default value
$imaxlevel = $intlevel{substr($maxlevel, 0, 1)};	#integer value
if ($imaxlevel >= $info || $imaxlevel < $crit) {
    print "Invalid user level, resetting to CRIT\n";
    $imaxlevel = $crit;
$maxlevel = $intlevel[$imaxlevel];

if (defined $logfile && $logfile) {
    open (LOGFILE, "<$logfile") || die("Couldnt open $logfile, $|");
else {open (LOGFILE, "cat |"); }	# open stdin

while (<LOGFILE>) {
# print STDERR;
  if ( 
\s+)?VAR\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+).*LEVEL\s+(\S+)\s+LOGLEVEL\s+(\S+)\s+(NOCOP|STATE)\s+(\S+)/ )
# Sun Nov 11 05:56:55 2001 [texpressmon]: DEVICE carmichael ecatalogue VAR DButil% 99 99 
%Full LEVEL Critical LOGLEVEL Critical STATE down
    my ($e_date, $e_sender, $e_device, $e_addr, $e_varname, $e_varval, $e_level,
	$e_loglevel, $e_nocop) = ($1, $2, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $11);

#     print STDERR qq{date=$e_date, sender=$e_sender, device=$e_device, addr=$e_addr, 
varname=$e_varname, varval=$e_varval, level=$e_level, loglevel=$e_loglevel, 
    # if any devices given, do only the listed devices.
    if ($device_regex) { next unless $e_device =~ /$device_regex/oi; }
    if ($var_regex)  { next unless $e_varname =~ /$var_regex/oi; }
    my $index = "$e_device:$e_sender:$e_varname";
    # if ($debug > 5) { print "+(debug) index=$index\n" };
    my $ilevel = $intlevel{substr($e_level, 0, 1)};
    if ($ilevel < $crit || $ilevel > $info) { # invalid level
      print STDERR "+$linenum Illegal Level ($e_level=$ilevel): $_";
die "\nERROR 0!\n";
      next ;
    if (!defined($stime)) { $stime = $e_date; }	# starting date of all LOGS
    $etime = $e_date;	# end date for all LOGS, overwritten each time
    if ($ilevel <= $imaxlevel) { # user desired worst level, i.e. is DOWN
      # if already down entry, leave alone, dont update. Else...
      if (!defined($DOWN{$index}) || $DOWN{$index} == 0) {
	$DOWN{$index} = &cvt_time($e_date); # store timestamp
	++$FLAPS{$index};	# how many times did this device go down
	$TOTVARVALUE{$index} += $e_varval ; # to calculate average
	if ($debug > 1) { print "+(debug) DOWN{$index} = $DOWN{$index}\n";}
    else {			# device is up
      if ($DOWN{$index} != 0) {	# we have a previous down entry
	my $delta = &cvt_time($e_date) - $DOWN{$index};
	if ($debug > 1) { print "+(debug) $index UP after $delta secs\n";}
	if (defined $mindowntime && $delta <= $mindowntime) {
	  $DOWN{$index} = 0;	#reset
	  # --$FLAPS;		# decrement ?? or let it be...
	$TOTALDOWN{$index} +=  $delta;
	$MAXDOWN{$index} = &max($delta, $MAXDOWN{$index});
	$TOTVARDOWN{$e_varname} += $delta; #track stats per variable
	$DOWN{$index} = 0;	# reset this variable
      else { ++$SPAREUPS{$index} ; } # we got an UP when device was not down
  }	# end if(//)
  # if not matching regular expression above, flag as bad line
die "ERROR 1!\n";

}	# end while(<LOGFILE>)


$tot_delta = &cvt_time($etime); $tot_delta -=  &cvt_time($stime);
if ($tot_delta == 0) {$tot_delta = 1; }

##### Start REPORT: ####
## Header
printf ("\n%50s\n%50s\n", "SNIPS SUMMARY REPORT", "====================");
printf ("%75s\n%75s\n", "From: $stime", "To: $etime");
print "Severity level: $maxlevel\n";
print "Total Lines processed = $oklines, Unparseable= $badlines\n";
print "All times in d+hh:mm\n";
if ($#devices > -1) {print "Report for devices:  @devices\n"; }
if ($var_regex) {print "Filter on variable name: $var_regex\n"; }
if ($mindowntime) {print "Skipping downtimes less than $mindowntime secs\n"; }

## Per device report
print "\nPer Device Reports\n================\n\n";
print "    Device         Variable     +---------- Downtime ---------+  Total    Avg.\n",
      "                                Total     Max      Avg.    %age  Downs   Value\n",
for my  $s (sort(keys %DOWN))
  next if (defined $mindowntime && $TOTALDOWN{$s} <= $mindowntime);
  my ($device, $sender, $var) = split(':', $s);
  $netdown += $TOTALDOWN{$s};
  if ($FLAPS{$s} == 0) { $FLAPS{$s} = 1; }	# avoid divide by zero
  my ($avg, $percent) = (&secs2hrs($TOTALDOWN{$s}/$FLAPS{$s}),
			 ($TOTALDOWN{$s}*100)/$tot_delta );
  printf "%-17.17s  %-11.11s  %6.6s  %6.6s  %6.6s    %4.1f %5.5s     %5.5s\n",
           $device, $var, &secs2hrs($TOTALDOWN{$s}),
           $avg, $percent, $FLAPS{$s}, int($TOTVARVALUE{$s}/$FLAPS{$s}) ;
if ($ndevices > 0) {
    printf ("\n\nTotal downtime (all devices)=%s\nAverage downtime= %s\n",
	    &secs2hrs($netdown), &secs2hrs($netdown/$ndevices));

## Reports  based on variables
print "\nPer Variable Report\n===================\n\n";
print "      Variable      TotalDown\n    --------------------------\n";
$ncount = 0;
foreach my $s (sort {$TOTVARDOWN{$b} <=> $TOTVARDOWN{$a}} (keys %TOTVARDOWN))
  last if (++$ncount == 5);		# only top 5
  printf "%18s   %s\n", $s, &secs2hrs($TOTVARDOWN{$s});

## 10 Worst devices
print "\n10 Worst Device Events\n====================\n\n";
printf "%15s  %10s %s\n",  "Device     ", "Variable  ", "TotalDown";
print "    ------------------------------------\n";
$ncount= 0;
# print STDERR "KEYS TOTALDOWN = " . join(", ", keys %TOTALDOWN) . $/;
foreach my $s (sort {$TOTALDOWN{$b} <=> $TOTALDOWN{$a}} (keys %TOTALDOWN))
  last if (++$ncount == 10);		# only top 10
  printf "%15s %0.0s %-10s %s\n", split(/:/, $s), &secs2hrs($TOTALDOWN{$s});

exit 0;

## Sub-routines
# Convert a date string 'Wed Mar 18 12:48:19 1997'  into secs since 1970
sub cvt_time {
  my ($datestr) = @_;
  my $timestamp = 0;
  if ($datestr =~ /^\S+\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\s+(\d\d\d\d)/)
    $timestamp = (($6 - 1970) * 365) + $month_offset{$1} + $2;
    $timestamp *= (24 * 3600);
    $timestamp += ($3 * 3600) + ($4 * 60) + $5;
  return ($timestamp);

sub max {
  my ($a, $b) = @_;
  return ($a > $b) ? $a : $b;

sub secs2hrs {
  my ($secs) = @_;
  my ($d, $h, $m, $s);
  $d = int($secs / (24*3600));  $secs %= (24 * 3600);
  $h = int($secs / 3600);	$secs %= 3600;
  $m = int($secs / 60);	$secs %= 60;
  $s = $secs ;

  if ($d > 0) { return sprintf("%d+%2.2d:%2.2d", $d, $h, $m) ;}
  else { return sprintf("%2.2d:%2.2d", $h, $m); }
William Dorfmann <William Dorfmann at kesoftware.com>, KE Software Inc.
Suite 750, 601 West Broadway, Vancouver B.C. V5Z 4C2 CANADA
Tel:  +1-877-1960 x 11  /  Fax: +1-604-877-1961

Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software