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     [snips-users] snipslogd stops with unknown keyword

# snipslogd -d
snipslogd- Reading global config file /usr/local/snips/etc/snips.conf
/usr/local/snips/etc/snips.conf [13]: unknown keyword
(snipslogd).. locked pid-file, started new process (pid=28914)
snipslogd (info): Loghost set to be 'localhost'
Make sure this logging daemon is running on the above host
snipslogd: DEBUG  ON, server not daemon-izing
snipslogd- Reading global config file /usr/local/snips/etc/snips.conf
/usr/local/snips/etc/snips.conf [13]: unknown keyword
# Global SNIPS config file for the C routines
# $Id: snips.conf,v 1.0 2001/07/09 03:06:24 vikas Exp $
# This file typically lives in /etc/ or in /usr/local/snips/
# NOTE: Also update  snipsperl.conf  for the Perl monitors
## host where snipslogd runs for central logging
LOGHOST         localhost
DATADIR         /usr/local/snips/data
CONFIGDIR       /usr/local/snips/etc
PIDDIR          /usr/local/snips/run
Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software