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     [snips-users] patch for multiping

First off, the new RRD integration is just way too cool... and easy!!!  

The graphs for ICMP-RTT were showing some unreasonably high values,
that were somewhat consistent for a certain machine, but a machine
next to it was fine... pinging by hand said both were fine.  Hmm...

I tracked down a bug in multiping... If something else was generating
ICMP traffic (like an existing instance of nocol on the same machine
as your test install of SNIPS... heh heh.)  multiping would only
process the first response in the receive queue while it was sending,
and then wait the interpacket gap, send another, then pop off one more
response.  At the end of a cycle, it would clean up the rest of the
responses, but since the RTT calculation is based on when it is
processed (not received by the kernel) each gap time spent in the
queue was being added to the RTT calculation.  

-=-=- PING statistics -=-=-
                                Number of Packets         Round Trip Time
Remote Site                 Sent    Rcvd    Rptd   Lost     Min  Avg   Max
-------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ----    ----  ----  ----                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                 5       5       0    0%     249  249   250                  5       5       0    0%      50  50    50                     5       0       0  100%       0  0     0                 5       5       0    0%     150  199   249                 5       5       0    0%     250  250   250                  5       5       0    0%     249  249   250                  5       5       0    0%     199  199   200                 5       5       0    0%     150  150   150                  5       5       0    0%     100  100   100                  5       5       0    0%      50  50    50
-------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ----    ----  ----  ----
TOTALS                         55      50       0    9%       0  149   250

Notice how all the times are multiples of the interpacket gap... 50ms.
Also, how it tapers off for the last few... as the queue gets

After the patch:
[199.106 is supposed to be slow, and 2.2 is down]

-=-=- PING statistics -=-=-
                                  Number of Packets         Round  Trip Time
Remote Site                 Sent    Rcvd    Rptd   Lost     Min  Avg   Max
-------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ----    ----  ----  ----                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                 5       5       0    0%     100  103   116                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                     5       0       0  100%       0  0     0                 5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                 5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                 5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0                  5       5       0    0%       0  0     0
-------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ----    ----  ----  ----
TOTALS                         55      50       0    9%       0  10   116

I added some more logic to drain the queue each time, and still ensure
the minimum gap is still met.  

This was tested under Solaris 7 sparc, but is just some more select()
calls, so should not break anywere else.  

Suggestions on improvements or other bugs encouraged... 

[By the way, I would NOT recommend trying to run snips and nocol on
the same machine at the same time... it kind of breaks the startup and
keepalive scripts... :) ]

Chris Bell
cbell at junknet com

Context diff attached (uuencoded to preserve whitespace):

begin 644 multiping.diff
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Zyrion Traverse Network Monitoring & Network Management Software